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Site Points
Kassina2018-09-20 10:42:44
You probably notice the site points in your char stats now. That is used to keep track of points earned during contests and events. When we start doing them the rewards will be listed somewhere and you will be told where. You will be able to use points for things like houses and what not if you can't afford to donate $20 to get a house. We hope you are enjoying your time here and will share the site around.

Thank you,
Everworld Staff

Published Author
Everworld Staff2018-09-19 17:51:09
A little birdie told me that we have a two-time published author in our midst on this site. (No, I still haven't finished my book series. It's not me.) If you're looking for a new read please feel free to look up Crimson Moon, Dark Moon Saga, Book 1 and Moonstroke, Dark Moon Saga, Book 2 by J. Carroll Anderson. It's available on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble devices, and Google Books--digital and paperback. Show some love to our fellow RP community and leave a review! If we have any other entrepreneurs in our midst, let us know. We'll showcase you! <3

A Bit of This and That
Everworld Staff2018-09-19 17:07:43
Welcome, welcome to our new players, Natasha Romanov, Cathryn, and Cassia! We're glad to have you.

We've had queries about rules. Truth is we don't want to have to overburden you with rules and micromanage your creativity. So, we're keeping them to a minimum unless it's forced on us. We can't enjoy the site if we're busy being the TSA of the realm. (I really, really like to RP when I can.)

Roleplay guidelines can be found on the travel page as we incorporated it into a brochure style theme.

What menial rules we have are here:

We ask that you keep your avvies tasteful. Leave your expositions for your partner, private RPs (bad pun), and your personal physicians.

Good news for those who are chat-a-holics. We have a Discord server (The link is on the left nav panel) and a Facebook page:

Happy Gaming!

Kassina2018-08-16 06:17:42
Its been awhile since I've posted one of these and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has joined. Please try and get this place to be active and invite your friends. We really want this to be a place where you dont have to worry about anything and can be anyone you want (in character). This is a place to create your story and make of it what you want. We took out the gameplay so you could focus more on your character and its story and roleplay your heart out.

Thank you for being apart of Everworld!

Kassina2018-06-10 14:04:47
Just want to welcome everyone to the realm.

Please spread the site to all your friends and help the roleplay community find a place to enjoy and love.

Thank you!

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Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2005, Eric Stevens & JT Traub, © 2006-2007, Dragonprime Development Team
Design: Black Template © Everworld 2018